The Wolf of Wall Street – Leonardo DiCaprio Speech


See those little black boxes? They are called telephones. I’m gonna let you in on a little secret about these telephones. They’re not gonna dial themselves! Okay? Without you, they’re just worthless hunk of plastic. Like a loaded M16 without a trained Marine to pull the trigger. And in the case of the telephone, it’s up to each and every one of you, my highly trained Strattonites, my killers. My killers who will not take no for an answer! My fucking warriors who’ll not hang up the phone, until their client either buys or fucking dies!

Let me tell you something. There is no nobility in poverty. I’ve been a rich man, and I’ve been poor man. And I choose rich every fucking time. Cause, At least as a rich man, when I have to face my problems, I show up in the back of a limo wearing a $2000 suit …and $40,000 gold fuckin’ watch!

Now, if anyone here thinks I’m superficial or materialistic. Go get a job at fucking McDonald’s, because that’s where you fucking belong!
But, before you depart this room full of winners, I want you to take a good look at the person next to you, go on. Because sometime in the not-so-distant future, you’re pullin’ up to a red light in your beat-up old fucking Pinto, and that person’s gonna pull up right alongside you in a brand new Porsche, with their beautiful wife by his side, whose got big voluptuous tits. And who will you be next to? Some disgusting wilder beast with three days of razor-stubble in a sleeveless moo-moo, crammed in next to you with a carload full of groceries from the fucking Price Club! That’s who you’re gonna be sitting next to.

So, you listen to me and you listen well. Are you behind, on your credit card bills? Good. Pick up the phone and start dialing. Is your landlord ready to evict you? Good. Pick up the phone and start dialing. Does your girlfriend think you’re a fucking loser? Good. Pick up the phone and start dialing! I want you to deal with your problems, by becoming rich! All you have to do today …is pick up that phone, and speak the words that I have taught you. And I’ll make you richer than the most powerful CEO of the United States of fucking America. I want you to go out there, and I want you to RAM Steve Madden stock down your clients’ throats. Till they fucking choke on it till they choke on it and buy 100,000 shares! That’s what I want you to do.

You’ll be ferocious! You’ll be relentless! You’ll be telephone fucking terrorists! Now, let’s knock this Motherfucker out of the park!

Author: motivationmentalist

Welcome to Motivation Mentalist, a blog dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals to achieve their goals and dreams. My name is David, and I'm the founder and writer behind this blog. As someone who has experienced the power of motivation and positive thinking firsthand, I created this platform to share my insights and help others on their journey towards personal growth and success. With a background in life coaching, I've always been passionate about personal development and inspiring others to achieve their goals and dreams. This blog is a way for me to combine my expertise and passion to create valuable content that can make a difference in people's lives. At Motivation Mentalist, you'll find a variety of content, including motivational quotes, inspiring stories, personal development tips, and more. My goal is to provide you with the tools and resources you need to overcome challenges, achieve your goals, and live a fulfilling life. I hope you find the content on this blog helpful and inspiring. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to me by dropping me a comment or reach out via contact form!

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