Tabata Workout – Stay Fit and Motivated

I was recently exposed to Tabata, a High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T) workout while serving my reservist in Pasir Ris camp. The workout regime is relatively simple and does not require any equipments at all. Best of all,  it only takes 4 minutes to finish one “Tabata” cycle. However, this will be the most intense and longest 4 minutes you will ever experience, provided you do not shortchange yourself during the workout.

Why Tabata?

  • High Intensity Interval Training has larger impact on both aerobic and anaerobic systems than traditional aerobic workout
  • It’s simple and requires no weights/equipments
  • You can easily customise your own Tabata workout by mixing any exercise you desire
  • It only takes 4 minutes of your time to complete one cycle

How to Tabata?

  1. Workout as hard as you can for 20 seconds
  2. Rest for 10 seconds
  3. Repeat Step 1 & 2 for the rest of the exercises (1 “Tabata” cycle)
  4. Do as many “Tabata” cycle as possible

Tabata Workout:

  1. Squats
  2. Jumping Jacks
  3. Lunges
  4. Situps
  5. High Jumper
  6. Burpees
  7. Flutter Kicks
  8. Push Ups

For beginners, you may want to start off with 4 “Tabata” cycles and gradually increase 1 cycle at a time when your body is conditioned for higher intensity.
It is important to give your 100% for the 20secs of workout in each exercise as it would defeat the purpose of high intensity training if you don’t push yourself to the limit.
P.S. – Just for laugh:
I named the Tabata workout as the “Patapon” Workout. The word “Tabata” reminds me of the PSP game “Patapon”. I have completed the game back in my NS days. It was really fun and interesting game! On a side note, I have designed the Tabata featured image above based on some online tutorial to improve my photoshop skill.
My preferred Patapon Workout exercises as belowPatapon Workout

Patapon Workout:

  1. Pata-Pata-Pata-Pon (Squats)
  2. Pon-Pon-Pata-Pon (Jumping Jacks)
  3. Chaka-Chaka-Pata-Pon (Lunges)
  4. Pon-Pata-Pon-Pata (Crunches)
  5. Pon-Pon-Chaka-Chaka (Flutter Kicks)
  6. Don-Don-Chaka-Chaka (Burpees)
  7. Pata-Pon-Don-Chaka (Front Planks)
  8. Don-DoDon-DoDon (Push Ups)

See related post:
Workout Motivation
List of references:
What is Tabata Training?
The 4-Minute Fat-Burning Miracle Tabata Workout
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