Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts

Video Transcript:
Sticks and stones can break our bones, but words can never hurt me. Wrong!
There’s a story of a major league baseball player who’s speaking to inmates in prison. One of the inmates asked him: “How did you become a professional ball player sir?”
To which he says, “You know… I think it started when I was a boy. I would play catch with my dad and he would always say: ‘You keep throwing the ball like that son, you’ll end up in the major leagues one day! You keep swinging the bat like that son, and you’ll end up in the major leagues one day.’ And here I am… A professional ball player”
The room became quiet, and the inmate who asked the question, he said: “You know… The same thing happened to me. When I was a boy, my father told me that I was good for nothing, and that one day, I would end up in prison. And here… I am.
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me. WRONG! See, words can cut deeper and fester longer than any sword known to man. I still haven’t forgotten what they told me as a kid… The teasing, the insecurities, that it created, have you?
Consider the story of a little girl. She’s in the grocery store with her mother and she drops a bottle of milk onto the floor, breaking it. The mother says, “You stupid child, why did you do that?!”
Consider the story of another little girl who’s in the grocery store with her mother. She drops a bottle of milk onto the ground, breaking it, and this mother says “That, was a very ‘stupid’ thing you did.”
Which child do you think will grow up to have a healthier self-image and more self-confidence? The one who was called stupid or the one whose action was called stupid?
It is important to be mindful of the words that we use to our friends, our family, our loved ones, and strangers. Because sticks and stones can break our bones, but words can break our hearts. And if we are not careful, they can shatter our dreams.

To My Future Generations… I’m Sorry – Prince Ea

Dear future generations, I think I speak for the rest of us when I say, sorry.

Sorry we left you with our mess of a planet. Sorry that we were too caught up in our own doings to do something. Sorry we listened to people who made excuses to do nothing.

I hope you forgive us; we just didn’t realize how special the earth was. Like a marriage gone wrong, we didn’t know what we had until it was gone.

For example, I’m guessing you probably know what is the Amazon desert. Right? Well believe it or not, it was once called the Amazon rainforest. There were billions of trees there, all of them gorgeous and… Oh… You don’t know much about trees do you? Well let me tell you, trees are amazing, I mean, we literally breathe the air they are creating. They clean up our pollution, our carbon, they store & purify water, give us medicine that cure our diseases, food that feeds us.

Which is why I’m so sorry, to tell you that, we burned them down. Cut them down with brutal machines, horrific. At a rate of 40 football fields every minute, that’s 50% of all the trees in the world gone in the last hundred years. Why? For this.

And that wouldn’t make me so sad, if there weren’t so many pictures of leaves on it. You know, when I was a child, I read how the Native Americans had such consideration for the planet that they felt responsible for how the left the land for the next 7 generations.

Which brings me great sorrow because most of us today, don’t even care about tomorrow. So I’m sorry. I’m sorry that we put profit above people, greed above need, rule of gold above Golden Rule. I’m sorry we used nature as a credit card with no spending limit. Over drafting animals to extinction, stealing your chance to ever see their uniqueness, or become friends with them.

Sorry we poisoned the oceans so much that you can’t even swim in them. But most of all, I’m sorry about our mind set. Cause we had the nerve to call this destruction – Progress.

Hey Fox News, if you don’t think climate change is a threat, I dare you to interview the thousands of homeless people in Bangladesh. See while… While you were in your penthouse nestled, their homes were literally washed away beneath their feet, due to rising sea levels.

And Sarah Palin, you said that you love the smell of fossil fuels, well I urge you to talk to the kids of Beijing, who were forced to wear pollution masks just to go to school. See, you can ignore this, but the thing about truth is… It can be denied, not avoided.

So I’m sorry future generations. I’m sorry that our footprint became a sinkhole and not a garden. I’m sorry that we paid so much attention to ISIS, and very little to how fast the ice is melting in the Arctic. I’m sorry we doomed you. And I’m sorry we couldn’t find another planet in time to move to. I am s-.

You know what, cut the beat. I’m not sorry. This future, I do not accept it. Because an error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. We can redirect this. How? Let me suggest that, if a farmer sees a tree that is unhealthy, they don’t look at the branches to diagnose it. They look at the root. So like that farmer, we must look at the root and not to the branches of government. Not to the politicians run by corporations. We are the root. We are the foundation.

This generation. It is up to US to take care of this planet. It is our only home. We must globally warm our hearts, and change the climate of our souls, and realize that, we are not apart from nature, we a part of nature. And to betray nature, is to betray us. To save nature, is to save us. Because, whatever you’re fighting for, racism or poverty, feminism, gay rights, or any type of equality, it won’t matter in the least.

Because if we don’t all work together to save the environment… we will be equally extinct. Sorry.

Mind Blown – This will make you rethink life

Video Transcript:
I want to show you guys something real cool. Something I just found out. Watch this.
Every pilot or flight instructor will tell you this: That if you start here, and you want to go here – to your destination – and if there’s a crosswind, you will actually land here, land lower. So what pilots do is they fly NORTH of their destination to get to their destination.
See, this metaphor applies for life, and for people as well. If you treat a person for how they are, you make them worse. You treat a person for how they could be, you promote them to what they should be. If you live life being realistic, you wind up being pessimistic. But if you live life shooting for your dreams, trying to do the impossible, ladies and gentlemen, you will wind up exactly where you need to be.

Albert Einstein: Theory Of Happiness

In 1922, Albert Einstein was delivered a message from a bell boy. The story goes that he didn’t have a tip, so he just wrote down a theory of HAPPINESS and gave it to the young man. This artifact recently sold for $1.5 Million. But the advice written on the paper – is PRICELESS.
What he said in the message, was this: A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the constant pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness. Mr Special Relativity himself, arguably the smartest man who ever lived, says that a peaceful mind, and a peaceful life, is the key to happiness. This goes against many of our ideas about happiness in our society.
They constantly tell us you have to get THIS and get THAT, and STRIVE if you want to be happy. But I will explain quickly with a metaphor why Einstein is totally correct.
Say I wanted these shoes, these new Jordans right. A lot of people like Jo, like J’s right? I craved these shoes. I needed them! I started comparing my old Nike to these J’s. I started seeing everybody with them. I was miserable. And then one day, I finally got them! And I was so happy.
Now the question is: Did the J’s make me happy, or was it the release from the craving of the J’s that made me happy? It was the release! There’s nothing in Jordans that can make you happy. We often think that it’s shoes, that awards, that accolades can make us happy. But actor Jim Carrey said that: “I wish that everybody could be rich and famous, so that they can see for themselves, that that’s not the answer.”
So let’s take note of the wisdom from the great Albert Einstein. Let’s stop and smell the roses. And try to live a calm and modest life. That is… if you want to be happy. Peace.
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Start by Serving Yourself. End by Serving Others – Motivational Video

Video Transcript:
When you are on an airplane, before take-off, the flight attendant always says… “In the event of an emergency, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. If you are travelling with a child, or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on FIRST, and then assist the OTHER person.”
See, Life is just like this. Before you try to go and help somebody else, you got to first HELP YOURSELF. You got to SECURE YOURSELF. Some people may call it selfish, but if you are panting, and hyperventilating in Life, and you are trying to go and help somebody else – I don’t care how good your intentions. Chances are, you are both not going to make it.
See, there is a REASON they say, “Secure your mask FIRST, BEFORE helping even children.” That is how important it is for you to be stable first. Because once you are stable, THEN you can help the child. You can help the old lady, the old man, the teenager.
What I am trying to say is that in Life, to be the most help to others, you got to take the time to secure your own mask. To secure yourself financially, mentally, physically, and most importantly, spiritually. That means you got to leave friends, family. Turn off the game, the award shows. And just be with yourself.
Because see, in the operating room, ain’t no visitors allowed. No guests, no friends, no family. Why? Because the patient is undergoing a transformation. Well, in that same way, you must get by yourself, if you want to transform into your best version.
But let me finish with this. After you have your mask properly secured, and you are able to breath, it becomes your obligation, your duty, to help others, secure their mask. So ain’t nothing wrong with being selfish in the beginning. But make sure the end game, is to be selfless.
Because to be the only one breathing on a plane, while everybody else is unconscious, will surely put you on a crash course – for loneliness and disaster.
Peace ☮
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