Stand By Me by True Colors Festival

True Colors Festival invites 46 artists from 15 countries/areas to the virtual stage to perform an updated rendition of “Stand By Me”, the classic Ben E. King hit. This video, filmed collaboratively but remotely in each artist’s home, is a message of #hope, #positivity and #inclusivity from the artists to the global community of people with disabilities.

True Colors Festival invites 46 artists from 15 countries/areas to the virtual stage to perform an updated rendition of “Stand By Me”, the classic Ben E. King hit. This video, filmed collaboratively but remotely in each artist’s home, is a message of #hope, #positivity and #inclusivity from the artists to the global community of people with disabilities.

When the night has come
and the land is dark
and the moon is the only light we see
No, I won’t be afraid
No, I won’t be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
So darling, darling, stand by me
Oh, stand by me
Oh, stand now (Stand by me)
Stand by me (Stand by me)

If the sky that we look upon
should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won’t cry, I won’t cry
No I won’t (No I won’t) shed a tear (shed a tear)
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
And darling, darling, stand by me
Oh, stand by me
Oh, stand now (stand by me)
As you stand (stand by me) stand by me (stand by

Oh, stand by me
Stand by me
By me
Stand by me
Let’s go

I know sometimes we feel like we’re alone
Facing the demons that live in our home
(our home)
I know when the sun don’t rise
I know when the moon don’t shine
(moon don’t shine)
Shivering cold as ice
You feel like you’re losing your mind

But don’t back down I’mma stand by you
till we see the light
Look to the right, to the left
Look the front, to the back
Everybody right here
Shoulder to shoulder, we lifting the weight
Now we blazing the fire
Let it rain, let it come
I’mma stand by you (I’mma stand by you)

Stand by me
Stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me
Stand by me
Stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

Stand by me in the darkest night
Stand by me so I see the light
Stand by me when I need you most
Stand by me so I cannot boast

Stand by me when I wanna give up
Stand by me so I know I’m enough
Stand by me when I feel alone
Stand by me so I know I’ll reach home

(I’mma stand by you)

We’ll make it out through these painful times
We’ll pass over every storm and shine
One day this’ll be over and we’ll laugh
We’ve already won as a matter of fact

No matter how long and dark the night
The sun will always rise
We just have to walk towards the end together

Stand by you
Would you stand by me

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Find Your Reason – Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe) Motivational Speech

This was my shot. I cried a lot. It was so embarrassing. I got fired from Frasier. The one everyone knew was going to be a hit, and it was. This time, it was really hard not to think that it wasn’t meant to be, my career as an actress. A couple of months later, I was almost completely out of money.
Then I got a call from a friend, the actor, Richard Kind, who said, and this is exactly how he sounds, “I’ve heard what happened. I don’t know how you get up in the morning. How do you even get out of bed, get dressed, walk out the door, and show your face?”
Yeah, I was getting up in the morning and leaving my apartment, so maybe I was coping better than I was expected to. That’s a good sign. And I understand that because the 20s, they are that time in your life when you’re really getting acquainted to self-doubt when there’s so much seemingly at stake.
So let me reassure you, it’s not supposed to be easy. You’re supposed to have moments of uncertainty about which path to take, because the 20s are full of crossroads. When one door closes, another door always opens. It really does. That’s what I would tell myself to keep those moments of doubts, only moments. And it worked. I kept going.
Then it all changed. After many auditions, I was the second person cast in the pilot called “Friends Like Us”, which would later be changed to “Friends”. Jim Burrows also directed this pilot and the first 10 episodes of friends. One day, the six of us were talking with Jimmy, exchanging the time I got fired stories, and Jimmy told them mine. “Well, she’s got the worst one of all. She got fired from Frasier. Well. It’s a good thing you got fired, or you wouldn’t have been on this show.”
He was right. It was a good thing I didn’t get Saturday Night Live. And that Romy and Michele, that that pilot didn’t work out. And every other disappointment that happened. They were actually more like guideposts that kept me on my path. Oh, and after I got fired from Frasier, I went to a birthday party and, and feeling like I had nothing at all to lose, I flirted with a guy who was way out of my league. We dated and on Thursday, Michel and I will have been married for 15 years, and we’ll celebrate with our remarkable 12-year-old son. So, thank God I got fired.
There is a reason for everything. FIND YOUR REASON

There is nothing worse than being stupid – Jim Rohn
There’s nothing worse than being stupid. Nothing. I mean, being broke is bad, but being stupid is awful. And what’s really bad is being broke and stupid. Right? That’s about the end of the world. There isn’t anything much worse than that, unless you’re sick. Sick, broke, and stupid. I mean, that is it. Right? There’s nowhere else to go.
So, make sure you get the information. It’s key. You don’t have to like it, but learn it. The talent story. Interesting story if you haven’t read it in a while. Just review it. It’s a good story, an ancient story. It says there was a master with three servants. He got them together one day, and he said to the three, “I’ve got these talents.” In those ancient days, a talent was a measure of gold. He said to the three servants, “Take these talents and see what you can do with them while I’m gone.” He said, “I’m taking a journey and I’ll be gone for a while. When I come back we’ll get together, go over the books, see how you did.” He said, “Here’s five of these talents for you. Five. Here’s two of them for you. Two. And here’s one for you. One.”
The master said, “Take those talents, see what you can do with them. When I come back we’ll get together and we’ll go over it all.” The servants said, “Okay.” Master takes off.
According to the ancient story, the master comes back from his trip. When he gets back, he gets the three servants together, and as he said he would, he asks, “How did it go with those talents? Your five, what happened?” That servant said, “Well, I took the five talents you gave me and I put them to work. A little shaky at first but,” he said, “things finally got rolling.” He said, “I poured it on.” He said, “My talents grew to seven, eight, nine, ten.” He said, “I doubled my talents from five to ten.” Books will show, Master said, “One heck of a job,” or something like that.
He said, “I gave you two talents. What happened?” That servant said, “About the same thing happened to me. I put those two talents to work, poured it on. They grew to three and then to four.” He said “I doubled my talents from two to four.” Books will show, Master said, “Well done.”
He said, “I gave you one talent. What happened?” That servant said “Well, I took the talent you gave me and I carefully wrapped it, and I dug a hole and buried it, and camouflaged it, I suppose, so nobody would steal it.” And he said, “Fortunately, nobody got it.”  And he said “I knew you were going to be here today so I dug it up. Here it is, safely wrapped. I did not lose it while you were gone.”
According to the ancient story, the master said, “Take that talent away from him and give it to the man that’s got ten.” Now, you might say, “Well, I don’t like that arrangement. The poor guy’s only got one talent. He’s already got ten. It ought to be more even.”
Remember, I didn’t ask you to like it. But this one I would ask you to learn, because it simply means whatever you do not employ, you forfeit. Whatever you don’t use, you lose. Lack of use causes loss. If you tie your arm to your body, leave it there long enough, you’ll never use it again. It’s over for the arm. Now, it may not be over, but it’s over for the arm. The only way to keep the use of this arm is what? Keep using it.
If you quit, you lose automatically. They don’t bring it up for a vote. You lose automatically when you quit. The same thing that goes for your arm goes for your brain. Mentality. The same thing goes for all the human virtues. Ambition unused declines. Strong feelings unused diminish. It doesn’t grow, it diminishes. Faith unused decreases. It’s a law. Vitality unused diminishes. Energy unused decreases.  The guy says, “Well, I’m going to save up my energy.” You can’t do that. That’s like trying to save today, put it on the end of the year. See, you can’t do that. They’ll come take you away. If you don’t use today, what? It’s lost. The guy says “I’ll work twice as hard tomorrow to make up for it.” See, that’s foolish. You could have done that anyway. Today unused is lost. A talent unused is lost. An ability unused is lost. Make sure that all of your talent, and ability, and mentality, and ingenuity, and vitality, and strong feelings, faith, courage, make sure that all you’ve got is being used, otherwise you lose.

Putting The Glass Down For A Stress Free Life

Video Transcript:

Professor: Every day we are faced with challenges and obstacles which could help us grow and help define us. Now when stress creeps in, well, it could make things seem quite impossible. It could even paralyze us, preventing us from doing things that need to be done.
Professor: How heavy is this glass of water? Melissa, would you care to answer?
Melissa: Um, 8 ounces?
Guy One: 12 ounces?
Girl One: 16 ounces?
Professor: The absolute weight of the glass doesn’t matter. It depends on how long I hold on to it. If I hold up for a minute, nothing happens. If I hold up for an hour, my arm will begin to ache. If I hold it all day long, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. Well, the weight of the glass hasn’t changed, but the longer I hold on to it, the heavier it becomes.
Professor: The stresses and the worries of Life are like this glass of water. If you think about them for a little while, there’s no problem. Think about it for a little bit longer, it begins to hurt. If you think about it all day long, and you’ll feel paralyzed, incapable of doing anything.
Professor: Always remember – Put the glass down.

Start by Serving Yourself. End by Serving Others – Motivational Video

Video Transcript:
When you are on an airplane, before take-off, the flight attendant always says… “In the event of an emergency, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. If you are travelling with a child, or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on FIRST, and then assist the OTHER person.”
See, Life is just like this. Before you try to go and help somebody else, you got to first HELP YOURSELF. You got to SECURE YOURSELF. Some people may call it selfish, but if you are panting, and hyperventilating in Life, and you are trying to go and help somebody else – I don’t care how good your intentions. Chances are, you are both not going to make it.
See, there is a REASON they say, “Secure your mask FIRST, BEFORE helping even children.” That is how important it is for you to be stable first. Because once you are stable, THEN you can help the child. You can help the old lady, the old man, the teenager.
What I am trying to say is that in Life, to be the most help to others, you got to take the time to secure your own mask. To secure yourself financially, mentally, physically, and most importantly, spiritually. That means you got to leave friends, family. Turn off the game, the award shows. And just be with yourself.
Because see, in the operating room, ain’t no visitors allowed. No guests, no friends, no family. Why? Because the patient is undergoing a transformation. Well, in that same way, you must get by yourself, if you want to transform into your best version.
But let me finish with this. After you have your mask properly secured, and you are able to breath, it becomes your obligation, your duty, to help others, secure their mask. So ain’t nothing wrong with being selfish in the beginning. But make sure the end game, is to be selfless.
Because to be the only one breathing on a plane, while everybody else is unconscious, will surely put you on a crash course – for loneliness and disaster.
Peace ☮
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