Don’t Trust Everything You See – Jay Shetty


Wayne Dyer once said when we changed the way we look at things; the things we look at change. So often we’re just seeing half the picture, half the story, half the words. And with that half perspective, we live a half-hearted life.

We don’t look at things, we don’t zoom out and look at the bigger picture. We don’t zoom out and actually look at things as a whole with a greater perspective.

See, when you’re walking on the streets in the city next to buildings, they all look the same height. You can’t tell the difference. But then when you’re flying in a plane, you can see the difference between the taller and shorter buildings.

Everything gets into perspective.

When we’re too zoom in into the details and the minute points, we don’t see everything. When we zoom out and take a bird’s eye view and step back from our lives, we gain a greater perspective.

I hope this has changed your perspective today.