Why This Will Keep Happening – Prince Ea

Did you know that barbers need more training hours to start working than police do? That… would be funny if it wasn’t true… Are you stunned? I was… What kind of a world do we live in when you need more training time to use a curling iron than to use a gun?

Six years ago, I made a video called “Same Story”. I meant the names and cities change but it’s the same story. They said he was unarmed. Not a gun or a knife. Yet the cop felt it right to end his Life. That was six years ago. And today it’s the same story.

I’m no prophet, Nostradamus, nor did I make a gamble. I just know these re-runs will keep happening cause’ the world is stuck on the SAME CHANNEL.

I don’t need to see Annalise and “How to get away with murder” cause cops do that every day. Just think of the countless people who don’t make it home. Who aren’t known. Because they weren’t lucky enough to have those crimes recorded with an iPhone.

Listen, we can march, protest, pray, and post – That’s good, we should. But it won’t solve this. Racism runs deep. Just Google – The Doll Test. This is gonna keep happening until we realize there is no place for bad apples in a career that’s Life or Death. Chris Rocks said it best: “That’s like an airline saying: Some of our pilots like to land. But… Some of the bad apples, they like to crash and that’s just something we have to accept.

No… No. So ain’t no moving on. Until we get caring people with quality training wearing these blue uniforms. Don’t you get it? The country of Finland went from the bottom in education to the top within a few years. Want to know how they did it? They made teaching a prestigious career. They said you have to have a Master’s degree to be a teacher.

Well, we must do the same thing here. Being a cop is not a prestigious career. That’s clear and I don’t mean to be a cynic, but a cop told me once that you get Officer of the Month if you write the most tickets. To all the police out there, listen. You have the right to remain silent for one minute. Give me your undivided. Just for this part. Do not let the metal in that badge, block the energy of your heart.

I know your world is gloomy. You see people at their ugliest. So I imagine it is hard to see their beauty. The only problem is – This is your duty – You signed up for this job, and out of respect, you do not get to step on the necks nor the human rights of the people you swore to protect.

Liberty and justice for all means every color. There’s no escaping, no running away from it. If a person’s skin is seen as a weapon, they will always be considered armed and extremely dangerous. So please, be tough on crime, but also be a decent human being. And if you can’t, just quit, because you are not what we need.

All we wanna do is BREATHE. And if you still can’t empathize, ask yourself this question: What if it was you, on the other side?


Stand By Me by True Colors Festival

True Colors Festival invites 46 artists from 15 countries/areas to the virtual stage to perform an updated rendition of “Stand By Me”, the classic Ben E. King hit. This video, filmed collaboratively but remotely in each artist’s home, is a message of #hope, #positivity and #inclusivity from the artists to the global community of people with disabilities.

True Colors Festival invites 46 artists from 15 countries/areas to the virtual stage to perform an updated rendition of “Stand By Me”, the classic Ben E. King hit. This video, filmed collaboratively but remotely in each artist’s home, is a message of #hope, #positivity and #inclusivity from the artists to the global community of people with disabilities.

When the night has come
and the land is dark
and the moon is the only light we see
No, I won’t be afraid
No, I won’t be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
So darling, darling, stand by me
Oh, stand by me
Oh, stand now (Stand by me)
Stand by me (Stand by me)

If the sky that we look upon
should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won’t cry, I won’t cry
No I won’t (No I won’t) shed a tear (shed a tear)
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
And darling, darling, stand by me
Oh, stand by me
Oh, stand now (stand by me)
As you stand (stand by me) stand by me (stand by

Oh, stand by me
Stand by me
By me
Stand by me
Let’s go

I know sometimes we feel like we’re alone
Facing the demons that live in our home
(our home)
I know when the sun don’t rise
I know when the moon don’t shine
(moon don’t shine)
Shivering cold as ice
You feel like you’re losing your mind

But don’t back down I’mma stand by you
till we see the light
Look to the right, to the left
Look the front, to the back
Everybody right here
Shoulder to shoulder, we lifting the weight
Now we blazing the fire
Let it rain, let it come
I’mma stand by you (I’mma stand by you)

Stand by me
Stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me
Stand by me
Stand by me
Stand by me, stand by me, stand by me

Stand by me in the darkest night
Stand by me so I see the light
Stand by me when I need you most
Stand by me so I cannot boast

Stand by me when I wanna give up
Stand by me so I know I’m enough
Stand by me when I feel alone
Stand by me so I know I’ll reach home

(I’mma stand by you)

We’ll make it out through these painful times
We’ll pass over every storm and shine
One day this’ll be over and we’ll laugh
We’ve already won as a matter of fact

No matter how long and dark the night
The sun will always rise
We just have to walk towards the end together

Stand by you
Would you stand by me

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