Idea – Motivational Video

Look! Whatever you’re doing, stop doing what you’re doing. I got question for you. What do you want? It’s really simple. What do you want? Because there are some things in life you are not going to get. They’re not coming to you. You gotta go take it. There are some stuffs, that you can’t just earn, by doing the good thing. It’s not gonna to happen when you are in bed dreaming about it. It’s not gonna to happen when you are in a shower and thinking about it. Sometimes you just have to will it.
You can stay where you are, you can. But you can’t stay where you are and try to go where you going. So what sacrifices this year you are willing to make. Because there is somebody out there, who want your spot. There is somebody else trying to get a scholarship, you are not the only one who trying to go to the Yale. You are not the only one who trying to go to the NBA. You are not the only one who trying to go to the NFL.
I’m asking that the 24 hours in you life be very intentional, very deliberate, that you be very strategic. I’m asking that the entire week, seven days, you are very deliberate about what time you wake up, you are very deliberate about what time you go to bed, you are very deliberate about what you eat, what you don’t eat. Why? Because every day matters, that’s right, every day matters.
So you got to embody excellence. Every single day have to be excellent. Every single day you wake up, you gotta give it all you got, you gotta give 120%. So you gotta change your mindset, we gotta stop looking at pain as if it is something negative. All roads to success, you gotta go through pain. When you travel down success, you gotta go through the road of pain, baby. If it was easy, everybody would do it.
It would only takes one extra push up, It would only takes one extra mile,
It would only takes one extra road, It would only takes one extra effort.
It would only takes one extra something, to get you where you trying, to get you.
And the goal is:
you gotta go a little further than the man who’s trying to get what you are trying to get. You gotta stay at it a little longer. It’s not going to be easy, but I want you to feel that pain going through your body, and when pain leaves your body, guess what’s gonna take his place. Success
You deserve to be a millionaire, you deserve to take the trip, you deserve to live the life that you want to live.
An idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. A simple idea that will change everything.
But this is only the beginning, this is not the end. And if you work through your pain, on the other side is a reward. And you are gonna proof to everybody that tried to push you! Everybody who tries to stop you. Everybody who tries to kill your dream, and you will proof all of them wrong.
You bigger than your pain, You’re better than that! I used the pain, to push me to greatness! Don’t give up, I’m telling you right now, don’t give in, get through it.
When you change your mindset, one of things I want you to do is, I want you to embrace the challenge. This is your year to do something you have never done before. This is your year to think the way you have never thought before. This is your year to accomplish what you never accomplished before.
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Video Mastermind:
Mateusz M

HERO – Motivational Video

When you have a dream, it doesn’t often come at you screaming in your face. Dreams always come from behind you, not right between your eyes and sneaks up on you. Sometimes a dream almost whispers, whispers that never shouts. Very hard to hear. So you have to everyday of your life be ready to hear, what whispers in your ear that very rarely shouts.
That moment of time, was one of the darkest moments out of my whole life. My motivation was out the door, I just want to give up.
I need you to be who you supposed to be. Don’t let nobody stop you from being who you supposed to be. Don’t let nobody outtalk you. Don’t let anybody tell you the doors are shut. Don’t let anybody tell you that opportunities don’t exist. Don’t let anybody tell you that. I need you to be who you supposed to be, because when you are who you supposed to be – you superhuman.
I don’t want to delude you, because this is a career ending injury,
Listen to me, you got fear and you got faith. And I’ve decided not to walk in fear, but to walk in faith. There is greatness in you. Do you hear me? There is greatness in you. And you mean to tell me, you never gonna reach your full potential? You mean to tell me, you never going to be what you been called to be, that’s you’re not going to do what you been called to do, because you are afraid?
Somethings don’t come. They just not gonna come to you, because you just want it as bad as you wanna breathe. You gotta put up and do something and you got to be willing to fight that thing up.
They are not giving us success, but you can earn it, you can take it, I need you to take it!
Don’t let the distraction distract you.
I wouldn’t ever start skateboarding.
So whatever you do man, don’t give up, don’t quit. Now listen to me closely. Just because you failed, doesn’t make you a failure. And when Life hits you, you gotta keep going, just don’t quit.
In order to achieve greatness, you have to go through a lot of pain. You definitely have setbacks. But in order to achieve that success, you have to push through.
If you hit an oak tree a thousand times, in a thousand different spots, what’s gonna happen? Absolutely nothing. But if you hit an oak tree a thousand times in the exact same spot. You know what’s gonna happen? You gonna bring it down. You gonna do the impossible. You are not only a special person created in a special time, you got some special inside of you.
You have to believe, that you can do something that nobody else has done. And somehow that concept has to become a reality.
You got greatness all inside you. But your problem is you’re a scaredy-cat, you soft. And every time it gets hard, you quit and you give up. And I’m telling you, if you be willing to fight your way through it. If you be willing to fight your way through this battle, fight your way through cancer, fight your way through the academic struggle, fight your way through divorce, fight your way through it. If it was easy, everybody would do it. You gotta fight your way through it, you gotta fight the fear, because guess what, fear ain’t bigger than you. If you going to win the fight of your life, you can’t be afraid to fight.
What exactly was hurting on your body?
I think my foot is broken and my shoulder and my back, everything feels pretty broke right now. The doctor tried to get me to not skate, basically I told him, he’s got to fight me.
Are you gonna be on taking fourth and fifth run?
I’m taking every run.
How are you able to muster up strength to even come back out here and take another run?
I don’t know what it is… it’s inside me, but it’s a lot of determination, it’s a fire that’s just keep burning.
Fear, you’re not going to stop me. I’ve got too far; I’ve come too far to give up now.
You gotta believe in yourself, you gotta believe in your dream. You gotta believe one day is going to be your moment, one day you gonna own the moment. Listen to me, impossible is just a big word, thrown around by small man.
Many of you right now, Life got you up against the rope. You can’t give up, you can’t give in. Listen to me, if it was easy everybody would do it.
You got this far, if you just going to quit, you should’ve quit a long time ago. You got too far, you’ve come too far to quit now. Show me that nothing is impossible.
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Video Mastermind:
Mateusz M

DESIRE – Motivational Video

You heard me tell the story with the lion and the gazelle. You are still stuck; you are a gazelle. You are a gazelle. You need something to motivate you. What happens to the gazelle when the lion ain’t chasing him? What happens is: he did nothing. He stops running. Why? Because he always needs something external to motivate him.
There are a lot of people, you are not successful in life not because you ain’t got talent, not because you ain’t got skills, but your character ain’t right. And I told you this before, that if you are not careful, your talent will take you places that your character can’t keep you. So what’s your motive? The reason why you can’t get up at four o’clock in the morning, the reason why when I say ‘get up at six,’ you are looking at me like I’m crazy, is because you don’t have that thing that’s driving you, that’s pushing you to say no to your alarm clock and wake up; no to the snooze button. When you get that extra assignment, that extra lot, the reason why you can’t do it is because you don’t have the right motive that’s pushing the action. What’s your why?
Somebody came up to me and said: “ET man I’m tired. I put in the work ET I’m not seeing the results. I did what you told me to do; I read the book you told me to read, I put in the hours you told me to put in – E I’m doing it and I’m not seeing anything.”
Listen to me closely. Why do you do what you do? And that’s so important. It’s not enough just to be a doctor; you’ve got doctors who got terrible bedside manners, terrible. You got lawyers who are skilled but arrogant – we are talking about character right now. What’s your motive? What moves you? What drives you? And whatever it is – sports, life, business, whatever it is; health, listen to me very closely, you’ve got to change that Mindset.
Even in your action, while your action is good you got to ask what drives it? What guides it? What moves it? What’s the spirit behind it? What’s the reason behind it? What’s the purpose behind it? When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breath, when you ain’t got nothing left in your tank, you’ve got to think about the people in your life that you are doing this for. And then if you could think about them, you could go one more mile. You could go one more day at work. You can find a scholarship. Listen to me, when you are doing it for somebody else, when you are like that lion… If I don’t grind, if we don’t grind, if I don’t grind, they don’t eat!
This is it, I can’t – I wish I could back off but its fourth quarter. I wish I could tell you something else. I wish I could tell you, ‘You tired? Go take a break.’ I wish I could tell you, ‘You tired? Rest for a year.’ I wish I could tell you that it’s going to get easier – I wish I could tell you it’s going to get easier! I wish I could tell you that if you just keep going it’s going to get lighter; the weight is going to get lighter. I wish I could tell you that, but that’s not the truth.
The truth is, you got to find something within. You’ve got to find something within! And that’s got to push you! And that’s got to elevate you! And that’s got to drive you! And that’s got to move you! And when you find out what your why is – and your why’s got to be deeper than you – when you find your why, you don’t hit snooze no more. When you find your why, you find a way to make it happen.
It’s time for you to look within yourself and decide: that I’m in charge of my destiny, I’m in charge here. Time to face yourself and talk to yourself in the mirror. And I’m not going to allow anyone to turn me around, I am determined that I am going to make it. The time for just wishing is passed – the time for doing, that’s the time right now. Time for acting on your dream… find out what it is you want and go after it as if your life depends on it. We can decide to take charge of our own destiny; begin to truly live our dream.
Listen to me closely, when you get to the point where enough is enough, when you get to the point where it hurt real bad, when you get to the point you can’t take it no more, when you get to that point – I’m telling you… I can’t explain it to you but doors start opening, opportunities start happening. But what you cannot do is you cannot quit during the process, you cannot give up because it ain’t what you see. You cannot give up.
Champions keep going when they don’t have anything left in their tank. That’s the difference between the greats, that’s what separates them. When they don’t have no more, when it’s over, when they are tired, when they are frustrated, when they are ready to give up, when they’ve spent their last dime, that’s when they get started! Are you hearing me? It’s when you have nothing left; it’s when you’ve depleted all your money, when all your energy is gone, when you have nothing left, that’s when it’s show time. When you find a way out of no way, when you find breath that you do not have, when you find energy that did not exist, when you want this thing as bad as you want to breathe.
So I ask you … What do you intend to do now?
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Mateusz M

Mateusz M – Motivational Video


I want to represent an idea
I want to represent the idea that
you really can make what you want
I want my life
I want my work
I want it to mean something
I want the world to be better because I was here
Every single day when you wake up, you got two options
You can look at the clock and hit the snooze
You can look at that snooze button
Boom you can hit the snooze button and go back to bed
And dream about what you want to have
You know watching MTV
Watching VET
Read magazines and dream about what you want to be
You can look at the snooze button
Kick that clock and get up
And go pursue your dreams
Everyday you wake up you gotta start with that vision

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Video Mastermind:
Mateusz M

Awakening – Motivational Video

Video Transcript:
Most of us go through life pretending that we don’t have any special goals or ambitions or desires when really deep down inside we do really want more.  We block ourselves and we use these words almost like we’re in a trance, like we’re sleep-walking through life, that we find ways to cancel out our dreams, that a lot of things that we want to do, a lot of places we would like to go, a lot of things we would like to experience, and we just stop at “but”.
“But” will cause you to hide out behind fear. “But” will cause you to come up with all types of excuses that you can validate your inaction and not acting on your dream. “But” is a dream-killer.
But most people, you know what they do?  Most people go through life quietly and safely tiptoeing to an early grave.  We’ve been holding back, we have ideas that we don’t act on, things that we want to do, we’re afraid to take chances.  See, a lot of people say no to things and they don’t even know what they’re saying no to!  Don’t allow “but” to keep you in the corner.
There’re a lot of people who say, “But I tried once,” or “twice,” “and it didn’t work out,” and so they use that as an excuse not to ever come out again.  Even if things don’t work out, even if I experience defeat or failure, that does not make me a failure.  There’s a difference between failing and being a failure.  If things don’t work out, if you don’t produce the results you want, that’s all, but don’t confuse who you are with the results that you produce.  Do what you can, where you are, with what you have, and never be satisfied.  Yeah, don’t get satisfied with yourself.  Always know that wherever you are, you can enjoy more, that you deserve more.  Why don’t you decide now that you gonna expand your world, that if other people can learn, you can learn, too.
If you’re working on you dream, sure they’re gonna be times when you’re gonna want to give up, sure there will be times when Life will knock you down and catch you on the blind side, but the challenge is to hold on.  And if you hold on tenaciously, I say the universe is on your side. See, if you don’t decide to act on your dream, if you don’t decide to make a decision to live your life, if you don’t decide to step into your fears, if you don’t decide to say yes to your life, it will never work for you. You’ve got to live what’s in you, life is too short and unpredictable.
But what do we say? “But there will always be tomorrow.” Oh, no. There’s no guarantees that you’re gonna show up tomorrow.  Always something there, to build a case on why you can’t move on, why you can’t grow to the next level, why you can’t begin to manifest your greatness, why you can’t begin to live life on your terms, that you’re gonna say “it’s not worth it.”  Yes, that’s going to be right there for you, it’s going to be in your face, telling you to go back.  So if you want to do something, if you’ve thought about something you want to do, take it head-on.  Life will never be the same again.
Live your dream.
Is it possible for you to have all your dreams become a reality in your lifetime? Yes, it is possible, but the real question you should be asking yourself: Have you made the decision?
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