Born In Darkness – Motivational Video

Video Transcript:
Success, guys, is a very, very lonely road, man. Very few people are willing to endure: the pain, the sacrifices or intelligence to be successful. It’s an uphill battle…and along that road, you’re not going to see too many friends. You’re going to see your shadow most often.
You gotta trust in the heart of hearts, inside that what you’re doing, what you believe in is a worthy cause and a winnable fight. See, the thing is for many people – they’ve tried the same path that you’re on… and they failed.
As you walk this journey you’re going to see carcasses all over the place. People that didn’t quite have it…And that should inspire you because you got further than that person and that person. But you’re not looking to get further than them, you’re looking to finish. But how do you know you’re on the right path? Where do you go to ensure that?
Success – many will love you for it. The majority will hate you. Because your success… makes them feel insufficient in their current endeavour. Reminds them of where they could’ve done it but came up short and how they didn’t revisit it, where they went at it and failed and tells you what stood and never revisit it again. The difference between a winner and a loser – the failure is there every time, but just the winner gets back up and does it again and does it again until it goes his way. So now you’re down that path and you’re all alone…but how do you know you’re on the right path? How do you know what you’re doing is in the right direction?
It’s not the title that makes you, it’s not the success that makes you. It’s the character that defines the success and defines the fame and it starts right there. Championships aren’t won in the theatre or the arena. They are won in the thousands of hours in a training room and the laps and the 5 A.M. runs in the rain when everyone else is sleeping. That’s where it’s won. The heart of a champion… is a light switch that’s always on – it doesn’t go on and off when someone’s watching – it’s constant. It’s how you look at something if your name is attached to it – and you do it right – the best of your ability every single time.
Victory has defeated you. May I remind you? You adopted the dark. Mean that you practiced in the dark and was born in the dark. Shaped by the dark. Moulded by the dark. Some of you are soft! But you were born in the dark, and now you’re soft. Every time you come up to a challenge, you quit! You surrender! You give up! You give in! Every single thing I go through, I remember I was homeless, and I draw from it! Every single time I’m going through pain, I remember that I’ve gone through pain since I was a kid. I draw from it! Recycle your pain!
…’and the last pick is’… They didn’t call my name… told me it was over. But I’ve been deaf since I was three… so I didn’t listen.
Get something from it! You already in pain! Use it! Do something with it! Allow it to take you to the next level! Allow your pain to push you to greatness! Some of you, your success has messed you up! You’re so successful, now you soft! Your success has not benefited you! You’ve not grown as a result of being successful! You’ve lost your bite! You’re not hungry anymore! Your success is damaging you!
Are you hearing me? Some of you have been knocked out by life! And you got up and saw the blood, and *sobbing* “He hit me!” Sometimes in life, you have to HIT BACK!
It’s not always gonna be easy! They’re not gonna give it to you! They’re not going to give you success! They’re not going to put it on a platter! But if you’re willing to work for it! If you’re willing to put the sweat! The blood! The tears! If you’re willing to earn it! They don’t give away Bentleys! They’re never on sale!
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Author: motivationmentalist

Welcome to Motivation Mentalist, a blog dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals to achieve their goals and dreams. My name is David, and I'm the founder and writer behind this blog. As someone who has experienced the power of motivation and positive thinking firsthand, I created this platform to share my insights and help others on their journey towards personal growth and success. With a background in life coaching, I've always been passionate about personal development and inspiring others to achieve their goals and dreams. This blog is a way for me to combine my expertise and passion to create valuable content that can make a difference in people's lives. At Motivation Mentalist, you'll find a variety of content, including motivational quotes, inspiring stories, personal development tips, and more. My goal is to provide you with the tools and resources you need to overcome challenges, achieve your goals, and live a fulfilling life. I hope you find the content on this blog helpful and inspiring. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to me by dropping me a comment or reach out via contact form!

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