Forget motivation, you need discipline – Navy Seals' Advice

Navy Seals: Forget motivation, you need discipline
Jocko Willink: It’s not about motivation. Motivation is a fickle little emotional thing and if you get too hungry sometimes you’re not motivated, or if you get too tired sometimes you’re not motivated. Or if it’s been a long day you lose your motivation. So that’s why motivation doesn’t matter to me.
Leif Babin: One of the things we try to do in training was build those realistic scenarios that would put people in a really chaotic, overwhelming situation. There’s a dozen things that are bearing down on you, the pressure’s on. How do you do this? You have to prioritize and execute. And so you can’t take on those dozen problems simultaneously, you’re going to fail at all of them. You have to take a step back, figure out what the highest priority is, execute toward that highest priority, and then move on to the next priority. And then the next priority.
Jocko Willink: It’s about the discipline. It’s about the discipline of holding the course, knowing what you have to do, and making it happen.
Leif Babin: The battlefield’s going to change, and the priority will change. So, you’re getting shot at from one direction, and you start manoeuvring your troops to engage the enemy in that direction All of the sudden you get shot at from another direction. You’re going to have to be able to rapidly shift, be able to communicate to your team and be able to flex. And so life is like that. For any business it’s like that. Those priorities are going to rapidly change. And you’ve got to be able to rapidly shift that. Communicate that to your team. And it’s all about prioritize and execute.
Jocko Willink: Motivation is going to let you down. Discipline will stay by your side.
Reference: Former Navy SEAL commanders: When things get tough, forget motivation, you need discipline

STOP asking for easy – Motivational Video

Well, let me tell you what the problem is.
Alright? Let me tell you what the problem is.
The problem is:
Everybody wants the prize, but nobody wants to pay the price.
Right? Everybody wants the prize, but nobody’s willing to pay the price.
Nobody’s willing to put in the work.
Nobody’s willing to make the sacrifice.
Nobody’s willing to eat their own shit, you know?
To make it happen.
Everybody’s expecting it to be easy. I was just giving a talk the other day at school and someone said,
“Well, why would I choose that way? That’s much harder.”
“That way’s a lot harder. Why would I choose that direction?”
And I was like, “Man, why are we talking about hard versus easy?”
“Nobody said this was gonna be easy.”
We don’t want it to be easy.
If it was easy, then everybody would be doing it. Right?
If it wasn’t difficult then everybody would be doing it.
Everybody will be an entrepreneur.
Everybody would be a billionaire.
Everybody would be a successful athlete, or artist, or businessman, or salesperson, or scientist.
Everybody would be doing it. Right?
It’s not supposed to be easy.
You shouldn’t want it to be easy.
But if you have a dream, if you have a mission, if you have a passion, this shit is not gonna be easy.
Easy shouldn’t even be in the conversation or in your vocabulary.
This is supposed to be hard.
You should want it to be hard because then no one can replicate what you create.
Anything of value and of meaning is not gonna be easy
And that’s how it’s supposed to be.

Think Different: Here's to the Crazy Ones
Video Transcript:
Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
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